A Bill of Materials (BOM) for the job already existed in our custom Salesforce.com application, but shipping was relegated to a paper version, sometimes many pages long. The solution was to extend a small portion of the Salesforce.com custom application to shipping to enable tracking of exactly what was and was not loaded (and for management to review progress) for shipment. After some thought and research I decided to create a small Single Page Application (SPA) using a visualforce page with the Force.com JavaScript Rest Toolkit. Now for those of you saying oh I would of never done it that way, the good thing about Salesforce.com is that there are many ways. It was also an opportunity to learn the Force.com JavaScript Rest Toolkit and more about SPAs.
A key requirement was usability and performance as there are a many parts to load, and time is always of the essence. In keeping it simple the solution has just three screens:
- List of Open Jobs
- List of Parts for Selected Job
- Find the Part number by scrolling.
- Find the Part number by entering the first few characters in the filter.
- Mark as Loaded for Selected Part
- Leave the default full quantity or override with a partial quantity.
- Repeating Screen Two once the first part in the list has been loaded.
- Note the first Part is no longer in the list as the default full quantity was used.
Enough about generalities, let's get down to the details and some code. To see the code in full follow this link to GitHub. The first step is to setup the Force.com JavaScript Rest Toolkit. It is available on here on Force.com-JavaScript-REST-Toolkit on GitHub. The setup (which is well explained in the GitHub repository) process requires a few steps to include:
- Add the forceTK component to Salesforce.com
- Add the forceTK Controller to Salesforce.com
- Add the forceTKControllerTest to Salesforce.com
- Instantiate the ForceTK Client
- Create objects for a Job, Part, and PartDetail
- Create click handler for button on PartDetail Page
- Query and Display List of Jobs
- Click and Job and Display Parts for the Job
- Click on Part and Display Part Detail
- Which only has quantity to load
- Click on Mark as Loaded Button
- Change part quantity if not all loaded.
- Redisplay the Parts for the Job
- The part quantity change reflected if not all were loaded
- The part no longer in the list if all were loaded
Initialize the ForceTK Client
While it is not readily apparent what the initialization process does, it is a step that you cannot skip.
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); var client = new remotetk.Client(); Force.init(null,null,client,null);Create objects for a Job, Part, and PartDetail
Notice the Detail object is a little different as we are posting a this object record back to the Salesforce.com custom app when marking an item as loaded. The calculation of the remaining quantity to be loaded is based on the quantity on the Part (from the BOM) less the roll-up field of the child records for each time this part was loaded.
var Jobs = new SObjectData(); Jobs.errorHandler = displayError; var Parts = new SObjectData(); Parts.errorHandler = displayError; var Details = new SObjectData('Job_Shipping_Details__c',['Id','Job_Part__c','Number_Loaded__c']); Details.errorHandler = displayError;Create click handler for button on PartDetail Page
Using the jQuery ready event for the page, the click handler is created for the Save button (Label: Mark as Loaded).The click handler simply calls the updatePartRecord(event), which creates a child record to the parent Part in the custom Salesforce app.
$j(document).ready(function() { regBtnClickHandlers(); getOpenJobs(); }); function regBtnClickHandlers() { $j('#save').click(function(e) { updatePartRecord(e); }); }Query and Display List of Jobs
Using the jQuery ready event for the page, the list of Jobs is loaded to the page using a simple query.
$j(document).ready(function() { regBtnClickHandlers(); getOpenJobs(); }); function getOpenJobs() { Jobs.fetch('soql',"SELECT id, Name, Status__c FROM Job__c WHERE Status__c ='Open'",function() { showJobs(Jobs.data()); }); }As we show the Jobs the code gets a little more complex as a link is added to query all of the parts for the selected job. This is where the code differentiates from the jQuery Mobile Pack example as this creates navigation through three levels of parent child records within Salesforce.com.
function showJobs(records) { $j('#cList').empty(); //make sure the list on the page has been cleared $j.each(Jobs.data(), function() { var newLi = $j('<li></li>'); //create a new list var newLink = $j('<a id="' +this.Id+ '" onclick=getAllParts("'+this.Name+'"); data-transition="flip">[Job Name]: ' +this.Name+ '</a>'); //create a link variable newLink.click(function(e) { //assign a link to the variable e.preventDefault(); $j.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); //displays a loading image $j('#jobId').val(Jobs.findRecordById([this.id]).Id); $j('#jobName').val(Jobs.findRecordById([this.id]).Name); $j('#error').html(''); }); newLi.append(newLink); //append the link to the list newLi.appendTo('#cList'); //append the list to the html spa list });//close each $j.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); //hides the loading image $j('#cList').listview('refresh'); //refresh to show all of the changes to the list } //close showJobsClick and Job and Display Parts for the Job
When the Job is selected, the getAllParts function is called, which loads all of parts for the job that meets the criteria of having a shipping load balance of greater than 0. When the parts lists loads the quantity to be loaded is also displayed along with the Part number.
function getAllParts(name){ var query = 'SELECT id, Name, Description__c, Shipping_Balance__c,Quantity__c FROM Job_Part__c WHERE Shipping_Balance__c > 0 and Shipping__c = true and Job__r.Name=' +"'"+ name +"'"+ "Order By Name ASC"; Parts.fetch('soql',query,function() { showParts(Parts.data()); }); }Once the Parts are queried, the showParts function is called and works much like the showJobs function which creates a list of Parts each with a link to the next level down in the record hierarchy.
function showParts(records) { $j('#pList').empty(); //clear the parts list $j.each(Parts.data(), //loop through each of the parts function() { var newLi = $j('<li></li>'); var newLink = $j('<a id="' +this.Id+ '"data-transition="flip">' +this.Name+ ' : (' + this.Shipping_Balance__c+')</a>'); newLink.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $j.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $j('#shippingBalance').val(Parts.findRecordById([this.id]).Shipping_Balance__c); $j('#partId').val(Parts.findRecordById([this.id]).Id); $j('#partName').val(Parts.findRecordById([this.id]).Name); $j('#error').html(''); $j.mobile.changePage('#dialogpage', {changeHash: true}); }); //end of the new link functionality newLi.append(newLink); newLi.appendTo('#pList'); }); //close each $j.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); $j('#partsHeader').text('Shipping Parts for ' + $j('#jobName').val()); $j.mobile.changePage('#partspage',{changeHash:true}); $j('#pList').listview('refresh'); }Click on Part and Display Part Detail
In this instance a Part Detail record is written back to Salesforce.com, and new calculated is run on Salesforce (simply using the rollup field) and if there is a balance of greater than 0 to be loaded by shipping the Part remains in the list with a new quantity. If the remaining quantity to be loaded is 0 then the Part is no longer in the list.
function updatePartRecord(e){ e.preventDefault(); var pId = $j('#partId').val(); var sCount = $j('#shippingBalance').val(); get the quantity loaded from the 1 field form presented to the user. var record = Details.create('Job_Shipping_Details__c',{'Job_Part__c':pId,'Number_Loaded__c':sCount}); Details.sync(record, successCallback); //with record successfully synced back to Salesforce the successCallback is called to load the list of Parts reflective of the change just made. }Redisplay the Parts for the Job With record successfully synced back to Salesforce the successCallback is called to load the list of Parts reflective of the change just made.
function successCallback(r){ getAllParts($j('#jobName').val()); //make another call to getAllParts to reload the Parts list $j.mobile.changePage('#partspage', {changeHash: true}); }
As a SPA all of the HTML is contained within a single page. Throughout the code every reference to $j.mobile.changePage uses a portion of the code below rendering the three available pages, 'listpage', 'partspage', and 'dialogpage'. The jQuery mobile and css magic takes over and does the rest with little effort of the part of the developer. What a great library!<body> <div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="listpage"> <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed"> <h2>Jobs</h2> </div> <div data-role="content" id="jobList"> <ul id="cList" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" data-role="listview" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b"></ul> </div> </div> <!--============== Parts Page ================= --> <div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="partspage"> <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed"> <h2 id="partsHeader"></h2> <a href='#listpage' id="add" class='ui-btn-right' data-icon='back' data-theme="b">Back</a> </div> <div data-role="content" id="partList"> <ul id="pList" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" data-role="listview" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b"></ul> </div> </div> <!--============== Dialogbox ================= --> <div data-role="dialog" data-theme="b" id="dialogpage"> <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed"> <a href='#partspage' id="back2JobsList" class='ui-btn-right' data-icon='arrow-l' data-direction="reverse" data-transition="flip">Cancel</a> <h1>Shipping Load</h1> </div> <div data-role="content"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <label for="shippingBalance">Balance to be Loaded:</label> <input type="number" name="shippingBalance" id="shippingBalance" /> </div> <h2 style="color:red" id="error"></h2><br/> <input type="hidden" id="jobId" /> <input type="hidden" id="partId" /> <input type="hidden" id="jobName" /> <input type="hidden" id="partName" /> <button id="save" data-role="button" data-icon="check" data-inline="true" data-theme="b" class="save">Mark As Loaded</button> </div> </div> </body>
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